Nowitzki does Zaza penalty kick
dallasmavs / Twitter
This guy... 😂😂 @swish41
— Dallas Mavericks (@dallasmavs) July 27, 2016
Dirk Nowitzki's kicking it in style this NBA offseason.
The Dallas Mavericks shared a video Wednesday of the 7-footer doing a dancing penalty kick at his annual charity soccer game in Germany.
Of course, the 38-year-old was emulating Simone Zaza, the Italian who showed off some unique moves before botching an attempt in a penalty shootout versus Germany at Euro 2016.
It didn't take long for Nowitzki's antics to get the "Running Man Challenge" treatment.
you KNOW this dirk video needed the running man treatment
— Tim Cato (@tim_cato) July 27, 2016