Twitter reacts to horrifying new Pelicans mascot
You had to know this was going to stir up some reactions. Enjoy (and yes, we've re-posted the picture as many times as possible).
The terror knows no bounds—neither space nor time can contain it.
— Caitlin Kelly (@atotalmonet) October 31, 2013
WE'LL HOLD IT OFF YOU GUYS GET SOME FIRE RT @PelicansNBA: Introducing your new mascot Pierre the Pelican!
— Eye on Basketball (@EyeOnBasketball) October 31, 2013
“Why hasn’t anyone booked the mascot for any events?” - the Pelicans’ marketing team in 3 months
— Wanna Play? (@chuckycrater) October 31, 2013
have you ever even seen a pelican RT @PelicansNBA: Introducing your new mascot Pierre the Pelican!
— Lana Boo Berry (@Lana) October 31, 2013
BP Oil Spill Pelican??? RT @PelicansNBA: Introducing your new mascot Pierre the Pelican!
— Erin Valois (@evalois) October 31, 2013
This is our only hope for taking out Pierre the Pelican:
— Andrew Lynch (@AndrewLynch) October 31, 2013
And now, your winner and still Basketball Twitter Champion, Zach Harper:
You made me do this, Pelicans. NightmaroPeli:
— Zach Harper (@talkhoops) October 31, 2013