108-year-old Cubs fan dies 1 week after World Series win
Mabel Ball had it in her to wait one more week.
A lifelong Chicago Cubs fan, the 108-year-old woman died Tuesday, six days after watching her beloved Cubbies win the World Series.
108-year-old Cubs fan Mabel Ball lived to see her team win it all, she died six days later, according to the @chicagotribune pic.twitter.com/1tTVcU2HB7
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) November 12, 2016
"The cruel irony, the almost unbelievable irony, is that the person who waits and waits and waits, after it happens, says, 'I've done what I've got to do, and I'm out of here,'" her son Rich, told the Chicago Tribune's Irv Leavitt. "It ain't funny, but it's funny."
Before Ball died, she was interviewed by the Tribune and a local TV station. When her son asked her what she thought about being something of a celebrity, her response was priceless.
"It's a lot of nonsense," she told him.