Sporting Kansas City rookie Colton Storm was in for the fright of his life in this hilarious April Fools' Day prank orchestrated by Dom Dwyer, Soony Saad, and head coach Peter Vermes.
Dwyer and Saad set Storm up with their friend "Joanna" - and Storm begins the conversation by introducing himself as "Mark from Cabo." Sitting in a cafe waiting for Joanna, Storm is surprised when Saad walks by, seemingly a pure coincidence.
The two exchange pleasantries, but there's none of that moments later when Storm's coach walks in, looking rather stern and asking, "Are you Mark from Cabo?"
A panicked Storm replies "No" before being given the (fake) hairdryer treatment from the gaffer. It didn't last too long, as a giggling Dwyer and Saad jump out with hidden cameras right behind.