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Manager: Shevchenko doesn't want to appeal UFC 215 loss to Nunes

Perry Nelson / USA TODAY Sports

To hear her manager tell it, Valentina Shevchenko would rather beat Amanda Nunes the hard way.

Outraged as she was with the scoring in her razor-close split decision loss to the women's bantamweight champion at UFC 215 last Saturday, the 29-year-old contender prefers capturing the crown with a rematch to filing an appeal with the Edmonton athletic commission, Roger Allen told ESPN's Brett Okamoto on Tuesday.

"We spoke with the commission and have encouraged Valentina to file an appeal - and we think we have a case - but at this time, Valentina does not want one," Allen said. "She said she does not want a tile fight settled on a technicality."

Allen was quick to point to the revamped scoring criteria the Association of Boxing Commissions approved at the top of the year. While they've yet to be unanimously adopted by all sanctioning bodies under the ABC's umbrella, the Edmonton commission is using them. Allen believes the new criteria factored in the fight's trio of 48-47 scores - two of which went to Nunes.

"In the old set of rules, a takedown is almost like a kiss of death," Allen said. "When you get a takedown, it typically counts for more.

"If you watch that fight under the new rules, Valentina was taken down but she was actually inflicting more damage from the bottom. I think we're still in this transition of changing rules, where it's one set one week and a different set the next week and no one is on the same page."

While the round-by-round scoring couldn't have been more disorderly, Allen wouldn't go as far as labeling the verdict a robbery.

"A robbery is when you go in and completely wipe someone out. Would I say this is a 'robbery'? No. But if you look at various online polls, which can also carry different biases, but I would say 65-to-70 percent of people think Valentina won."

A baffled Shevchenko called for a rematch immediately after the scorecards were read and and has since released a statement condemning the judges' work on Facebook:

First of all, I want to thank all those who supported me!

The support from my dear friends, media, and fans is very important to me!

After (a five-round fight) the judges were divided in opinion, and 2-1 they gave victory to Nunes (48-47, 47-48, 47-48)

I do not think that the fight was lost, three rounds out of five I definitely won.

In the middle of the first round, after exchanging of punches, I dislocated a finger on my left hand, so I could not fully realize my advantage from the beginning of the fight.

During the break after the first round, my coach Pavel Fedotov put the joint in place, and from the second round I was able to work with both hands.

And in the last round Nunes made one takedown against one of mine.

In addition, the new rules say and we were advised before the fight say that if you do not do any damage or action when you hold a position (including takedown) then this control does not give an advantage. And Nunes couldn't land not one punch on the ground.

For the whole fight, I did not get a hit to my face from her.

If someone else has a doubt in my victory in the (second), (third), (fourth) rounds, then by what advantage did Nunes win?

Leading a passive fight only pushing me with "tips" to the leg and not landing any punches?

While I had to in the same time to both counterattack and attack her, because she took in passive position.

Some write and say that she held the center of the Octagon, as an advantage.

Our competitions are not called - to guard the center of the Octagon and win. Yes, you can occupy the center of the Octagon, but then receive all possible attacks. A fighter must and can use the entire perimeter of an Octagon according to his tactics and style.

For example, the style of Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson is completely different in how they used the different parts of the ring.

This rule of the center of the Octagon is made for when one fighter avoids fight and running out from the fight. Then, yes, the one who is in the center of the Octagon has the advantage.

Running into an open strike exchange against an opponent who is taller, bigger and heavier would be foolish of me. And how bad can end this kind of "runs forward" we have seen in various fight.

In my fights I put emphasis on technique, tactics, and speed.

We are doing martial arts, it is not the hardest forehead competition to win the victory, and not to win in accidentally striking exchange. The goal is to strike, inflict damage, and not receive damage in a response. And this can only be achieved by training your art to the highest level.

Therefore, after the fight, I have not a single bruise on my face, but all my fists and fingers are broken from delivering punches.

I am very upset that it happened, especially upset for those fans who worried about me and supported me.

MMA is a very interesting and diverse sport, anything can happen. Of course, I'm upset, but I'm not going to let this stop me from achieving my goal.

I'll rest a bit and then start training in order to get back to the Octagon in the near future.

Nunes, we will meet again!

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