Curry's father-in-law mistaken for con artist, nearly arrested
It was a tough night for the Curry family.
At the tail end of the Warriors' Game 6 NBA Finals loss in Cleveland on Thursday, Steph Curry fouled out for the first time this season, threw his mouthguard in frustration, hit a fan, and got ejected for the first time in his career. His wife, Ayesha, subsequently tweeted (and deleted) a mini-rant about how the NBA is "rigged for money ... or ratings."
Then, after the game, Ayesha's father was threatened with arrest, when he was mistaken for a notorious fake-credential con artist named David Aminzadeh.
"Police racial profiled my father and told him to remove credentials and tried to arrest him," Ayesha tweeted.
"I'm okay that we lost," she added. "I just can't take people coming at my family for absolutely no reason."
Security at Quicken Loans Arena was on the lookout for Aminzadeh, who has been able to finagle his way into multiple major sporting events, The Undefeated reports. The security staff thought they had their man, and forced Ayesha's father to produce his credentials before realizing their mistake.
Steph was filled in on the situation involving his father-in-law on his way out of the arena.
"I was just kind of debriefed on what the security thought happened with some guy that poses with fake credentials and gets backstage at a lot of events, the NBA Finals and all that stuff," he told The Undefeated. "They kind of profiled my father-in-law and thought he was him. They threatened to arrest him before they checked out his credentials. It's kind of been an emotional and tough night all the way around."
All in all, a fairly miserable trip to Ohio. The Curry clan and the rest of the Warriors, will likely be glad to get back to the Bay Area, where Game 7 goes Sunday.