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Ex-NBAer Horace Grant explains touching reason why he wore goggles


While a solid NBA player, 17-year veteran Horace Grant is probably best remembered for wearing goggles on the basketball court.

Although he originally wore the goggles because he was legally blind, Grant revealed in a Reddit AMA on Friday that he continued to wear them after receiving laser eye surgery to help boost the self esteem of kids who were forced to wear glasses.

User JDRoc asked: What was the initial reason for the goggles? And did you keep them because you had to, or did you like the look?

I got them because I was legally blind. I wore em because of that for a few years. After a few years I got Lasik surgery, but I kept wearing them without the (prescription) lenses because I had grandparents and parents come up to me and thank me for wearing them. Their kids and grandkids would get made fun of by wearing protective eyewear playing sports, so I kept wearing them to help make it cool to wear goggles for the kids.

Pretty cool move on Grant's part.

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