2K Sports producer shares story about Rasheed Wallace's wife
2K Sports Senior producer Rob Jones shared a story with SLAM on what happened when Rasheed Wallace came in to do motion capture for the NBA 2K3 video game.
The details are hilarious.
“We had Rasheed Wallace come in to do our motion capture for our game. So he comes in and says, ‘OK, I’ll do it. But I don’t want any press. I want to come in, do my moves, talk to you guys about the game, and then leave.’
“So he comes in and plays the game for a couple of hours, and then he heads to the court. So, we’re trying to do things with props because we don’t want him to get hurt, but he’s just going through the motions.
“His wife is there and she yells out at Sheed, ‘MAN YOU AIN’T GOING HARD!’ So, we didn’t just want to come out and say that, but again, we didn’t want him to get hurt. ‘YOU AIN’T GOING HARD.’”
One of Rasheed’s cousins would regularly travel with him, and he matched up size-wise pretty well with Rasheed. So they started playing one-on-one, and then the real Rasheed Wallace came out. Not the guy earlier just doing moves, but the real Rasheed Wallace was officially here. A sweat was broken. Cussing ensued. A post-move clinic was given. Rasheed’s wife nodded her head in approval and all was well in the Wallace and 2K houses, respectively.
NBA 2K14 on the next-gen platform is destined to make folks late to work, derail loving relationships and have beards unkempt for weeks at a time. This is all perfectly acceptable though, as when the PS4 system is finally in my possession, the first game I’ll be reaching for will probably be the game that made Rasheed Wallace’s wife yell at Sheed so the post-move game would be perfected.