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PHOTO: Messi pays tribute to Kobe, 'one of the greatest'

Jim McIsaac / Getty Images Sport / Getty

In a shining example of real recognizing real, one of the greatest footballers to ever lace up a pair of boots paid homage to one Kobe "Bean" Bryant on his Instagram account Wednesday.

Siempre es triste escuchar que un deportista se va a retirar. Pero Kobe Bryant quedará en la historia como uno de los más grandes y quien hizo con su magia que me interesara este deporte. Toda la suerte del mundo en tu nueva etapa Kobe.// It's always sad to hear when a sportsman is retiring. But @kobebryant will always be in the history books as one of the greatest. It was he who helped me become interested in basketball. All the best in the next stage of your life, Kobe.

Lionel Messi and Bryant appeared together in a 2013 Turkish Airlines commercial that went on to win a user-voted YouTube award.

Bryant, who's praised the aesthetically pleasing brand of football that Barcelona plays, also visited the club this summer.

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