Austin Peay coach takes leave of absence for cancer battle
Marc Lebryk / USA TODAY Sports
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Austin Peay coach Dave Loos is taking a leave of absence to continue chemotherapy for a cancerous lymph node.
School officials say it's unclear how long Loos will be away. Assistant coach Jay Bowen will take over in Loos' absence, starting with Thursday's game at Tennessee Tech.
Athletic director Ryan Ivey said Thursday, "Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with (Loos) and his family and we wish him a speedy recovery."
School officials say Loos has been undergoing chemotherapy since the "late summer." When Loos had surgery in July to remove a malignant tumor from his colon, a growth on a lymph node was discovered.
His record is 414-403 in 27 seasons at Austin Peay. Loos is 496-456 in 31 seasons overall.