Baylor's Platt denies all-black uniforms are in support of Briles
Baylor will be wearing all-black uniforms Saturday against TCU, and fans are being encouraged to create a blackout effect in the stands with their attire.
However, Bears receiver Chris Platt tweeted that the black uniforms mean more than just a jersey shakeup, punctuating his message with #truthdontlie: a hashtag used by Baylor coaches to protest former head coach Art Briles' firing, according to Brett McMurphy of ESPN.

However, after McMurphy's tweet, Platt unprotected his previously private account to issue a response indicating that the extra meaning was in reference to the rivalry with TCU and not former coach Briles.
To justify my tweet... Baylor and TCU has the second-oldest rivalry in the state of Texas and the record is 35-35-10 I believe but might be wrong. Since I've been recruiting by Baylor they have blacked out big home games so why not black out TCU? A black out game has the best environment so why get rid of it?
That's why it's more than the uniforms cause it's also the crowd, the atmosphere, and the energy it brings to us players but I guess you wouldn't know unless you actually played in it... and I'm sick and tired of being called a rapist when you don't even know me... and as for Mr. McMurphy please to do assume what my tweets are about to get a good story I know it's your job and I understand that, but we have moved on from that lol nobody is trying to protest anything that has to do with coach B.
Friday night, Baylor assistant coaches disputed regent David Harper's claim that Briles failed to act on a specific sexual-assault allegation against one of his players.