WWE fan brings deeply personal sign to 'Raw'
WWE "Raw" always features some hilarious and clever crowd signs, but one in particular stood out during Monday night's episode because of how strange and deeply personal it was.
The sign, which read "Ashley Lynn lied and destroyed the family," quickly went viral.
#AshleyLynnLied pic.twitter.com/V8hBpuoInX
— Ryan Satin (@ryansatin) June 28, 2016
"You broke my heart, Ashley Lynn. I'm gonna go to Monday Night Raw and let the whole damn world know." pic.twitter.com/QiWOZINrgJ
— mike mulloy (@fakemikemulloy) June 28, 2016
The real cliffhanger is how Ashley Lynn destroyed that man's family enough for him to bring a sign. #RAWTonight
— WWE Creative Humor (@WWECreative_ish) June 28, 2016
Damn that Ashley Lynn! #RawTampa pic.twitter.com/u54pyNJxCZ
— Kevin (@KevinGetsRad) June 28, 2016
Vince is backstage thinking, "We need to sign that Ashley Lynn girl for Total Divas!" #AshleyLynnLied #RAW
— LaParkaYourCar (@LaParkaYourCar) June 28, 2016
Damn someone got put on prime time blast! You messed up Ashley (?) Lynn #RawTampa #WWETampa #AshleyLynnSignGuy pic.twitter.com/YJD5Jwnc3s
— Amy Biondello (@AmyBiondello) June 28, 2016
This Ashley Lynn person got more heat in two seconds that Sheamus has gotten his entire career. #RAW
— Sid Bridge (@SidBridgeComedy) June 28, 2016
Someone needs to find this person and get answers.
- With h/t to FOX Sports