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IMG producing ALS documentary about Steve Gleason

John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports / Reuters

Former New Orleans Saints safety Steve Gleason will be the subject of a feature-length documentary produced by IMG, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

Gleason was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, in 2011 and has become one of the most recognizable advocates for ALS awareness.

"Very few individuals are brave and tenacious enough to accomplish all that Steve has in their entire lifetime," IMG executive Mark Shapiro (formerly of ESPN) said in a statement. "The fact that he has become a one-man catalyst for a global movement in just four years is absolutely incredible, and we are extremely proud to help bring 'The Gleason Project' to audiences around the world.

"Steve's universal message of resilience and hope, told through the lens of a sports hero, is directly in line with our mission of supporting sports and entertainment content that has the ability to create meaningful change."

Joining IMG on the production side of "The Gleason Project" will be Seth Gordon, who co-produced the 2012 Oscar-winning documentary "Undefeated". Microsoft is also on board as a technology partner.

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